Serenity Dog Spa
Serenity Dog Spa

Need an appointment?

To make an appointment or to

receive more information,

please call 781 659-7108


Or you can email:


We also have a lot of clients send us messages through Facebook as well.

please allow 24 hours for a confirmed appointment response to email thank you.




We Accept Cash & Credit & Debit & Checks

Business Hours & Location

Tues-Sat:    8:30am-finished 

Sun-Mon   Closed


Located on rt 53

263 Washington St

Norwell, Ma 02061


(We are open by appointment and will usually close around 3:00 -4:30pm pm if we are finished for the day.)


Puppy Pictures




Collars By Tanya

We Now Carry "Collars by Tayna" So come in and check out the cute and sassy patterns, and there is handsome and fun patterns for the boys too. Come back often as we will change up the line every month.


We now offer Nuvet Vitamins for Dogs and Cats.

Start your pet on the path to perfect health.

Human Grade supplement!

NuVet Labs'™ main purpose is to help increase your pet's longevity and quality of life. Our products provide the very best human grade natural ingredients available and utilize the latest advances in medical, veterinary and nutritional science. We pledge to adhere to the highest standards in products and services. Our goal is to maintain a
lasting and caring relationship with our family of NuVet Plus™ customers and their pets they love.


NuVet Plus can help prolong the life of your dog and cat. And can help eliminate most ailments GAURANTEED!


Skin and Coat Problems

Scratching, Itching, Biting

Hot Spots

Arthritis and Joint Problems

Premature Aging

Low Energy Levels

Diabetes and Liver Problems

Cataracts and Tumors

Digestive Problems


Heart Disease

To order Click here:


Or Call




ID Code: 77153

I decided that I was going to try this product out before I would start telling anyone about it. I also gave samples to my friend whose German ShortHaired Pointer was having skin issues and to my mom for her cats dry and flaky coats. And the results were wonderful, my firends dog's coat is now shiny and healthy, and my mom's cat's coat is now not flaky.


My 11 year old Bichon Gigi, (I'm sure you've seen her in the shop sporting her many colors) I started giving her the NuJoint since she has been having a really hard time with her joints especially in these cold winters. And in less than a months time she was acting more spunky and was back to jumping up and off the couch. She now runs around after my 2 daughters like she use to two years ago. I highly recommend this product.



Rachel Chrisman

Owner and operator of Serenity Dog Spa

Not available in stores – CALL NOW TO ORDER!


  • Insider’s Secret: Thousandsof the nation’s top     breeders use NuVet Plus® to keep their puppies, kittens,     breeding females and males so     healthy!                                                                       
  • Revolutionary product,     affordable– natural, water soluble
  • GUARANTEED – No sugars or fillers      
  • GUARANTEED – We use real     chicken liver – not cooked, but instead it’s paddle dried by our patented     process to preserve its Omega Fatty Acids
  • GUARANTEED not heat treated     (heat destroys vitamins A, E & B1) – it’s why NuVet Plus wafers     crumble easily
  • GUARANTEED – So pure it’s produced in     an FDA (human-grade) manufacturing facility  (virtually unheard of in     the pet industry because of the high cost / monitoring required)
  • Our team of Veterinarians,     Physicians, Pharmacists, and Nutritional Scientists took eight years to     develop this revolutionary product
  • On the market for over 13     years/ We’re one of the oldest US pet supplement companies
  • MONEY BACK GUARANTEE – Call now to order this     revolutionary product. If this isn’t the most incredible pet supplement     you’ve ever had, we’ll give your money back!
  • Here is a link for the Testimonails page:
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